Download Whatsapp Clone 2021

  • Diterbitkan : 26 Mar 2024

Download Whatsapp Clone 2021. LIFE AS A HOLISTIC SECURITY TRAINER . Since 2021, I took a role as one of the Holistic Security Trainer, focusing on delivering physical safety chapter.

This role completed my other skill to deliver digital security training, especially for introducing, anticipating, and mitigating the digital attacks targetted to activists, journalists, women, and environmental defenders. .

Since attending IFEX International's Training for Trainers in 2020, I have passed on these new skills to many people on various occasions, both online and offline or hybrid events, including the holistic security training held recently in Bangkok, Thailand in March 2024 for a dozen of journalists from three different countries who will be serving covering projects that threaten the environment. .

I am happy to know that what I have shared is useful in preparing them for facing possible security risks and formulating ways of mitigating and monitoring security risks that are more appropriate to their threat conditions, vulnerabilities and capacities. .

Have a safer job, friends!