Permainan Edukasi Anak Paud

  • Diterbitkan : 03 Aug 2024

Permainan Edukasi Anak Paud. Early Childhood Education Game - Kindergarten is a game that is suitable for children because this Early Childhood Education Game - Kindergarten contains introductory material and games for children to memorize numbers, letters, shapes, animals, colors and fruits around them. This PAUD - Kindergarten Educational Game for Children is also equipped with a voice guide to make it easier for children to understand the material and games contained therein.

This PAUD - Kindergarten Child Education Game is quite complete as learning material for early childhood or PAUD and Kindergarten. Basically children have a fairly high curiosity and often parents are overwhelmed to answer questions from their baby.

With this PAUD - Kindergarten Educational Game for parents, it is enough for parents to teach a few times and then your children can learn on their own because of the PAUD Children's Educational Game feature -. Kindergarten is very easy to understand. This PAUD - Kindergarten Educational Game is suitable for children aged 2 – 7 years.

Come on, train and hone your baby's brain from an early age by installing this Early Childhood and Kindergarten Educational Game right now. If there are criticisms and suggestions that you want to convey, please contact us at the contact we have provided. Updated on Jul 15, 2022.

Game Edukasi Anak Lengkap

Permainan Edukasi Anak Paud. Game Edukasi Anak Lengkap

Complete children's educational game contains educational games for your children at an early age, early childhood and kindergarten, including: memory games that train memory, fun coloring, piano and recognition of letters, numbers, colors, shapes, fruits and animals equipped with voice guides in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. SekarMedia's complete children's educational game contains:.

• Letter recognition. • Number Recognition. • Color Recognition.

•Recognition of the names of animals, fruits, musical instruments, vehicles, etc. This Complete Children's Educational Game feature is available in the introduction module as well as questions or tests and is available in Indonesian and English equipped with voices in both languages.

Please download this complete children's educational game for your sons and daughters. Updated on Mar 14, 2023.

‎Permainan edukasi untuk anak

Permainan Edukasi Anak Paud. ‎Permainan edukasi untuk anak

Kali ini Anda akan mengunjungi teman-teman Bimi Boo yang tinggal di rumah pohon. Anda akan bertemu dengan seekor kucing licik, kelinci lucu, dan tupai imut.

Ada permainan mengasyikkan di rumah bayi Anda yang bisa membantunya mengatur benda-benda dengan benar, urutkan dan beri makan teman-teman Bimi Boo. 30 game berbeda yang akan memikat anak Anda tidak hanya dengan warna cerah dan animasi kocak, tapi juga tugas-tugas yang menarik dan mudah seperti:. Game ini juga meningkatkan keterampilan motorik, perhatian, dan kecerdasan. Terdiri dari segala hal yang Anda butuhkan untuk hiburan dan perkembangan sehat anak.