Go For Speed Sub Indo

  • Diterbitkan : 15 Sep 2024

Go For Speed Sub Indo. If you want to dive into the subject and prepare thoroughly for your next Billfish trip, then check out our in-depth guide on all things Marlin related. Other authors recognize only one species, claiming that there are no significant differences in DNA, fin length, or dietary habits. You can find Sailfish anywhere in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean, from 50° N to about 35° S. They will rarely move past those points and only in the warmest of months. While you can find Sailfish relatively close to the shore, sometimes only three miles from dry land (as is the case in Miami Beach or Stuart), Marlin swim farther offshore.

Some places around the globe have fantastic Marlin fishing as deep waters lie only miles from the coast. When you’re in Cairns (Australia), New Zealand, Cabo San Lucas, or some other major Billfish destinations, you can get humongous Marlin on a half day trip. Blue Marlin live in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans in water temperatures ranging from 69 to 95°F. White Marlin inhabit the waters of the Atlantic Ocean from Maine to Argentina, including the Gulf of Mexico.

These fish love to migrate – from May to October they move north off the US and then make their way south during cooler months. Sailfish prey on creatures that swim near the surface, such as squid, Mackerel, Jacks, smaller Tunas, and flying fish.