Download Gratis Tema Iphone Untuk Android

  • Diterbitkan : 13 Mar 2024

Download Gratis Tema Iphone Untuk Android. No worries, Simply download this free iOS Launcher 17 app on your Android phone, and this app can give a similar experience as an iPhone or real iOS phone on your Android device. This Launcher gives the iPhone theme for Android devices. Arrange, group into folders, and move them across screens seamlessly.

Simply touch and hold an app icon, then drag it to your preferred spot. The folder is design like iOS interface with rounded content area and blur effect behind. This ios launcher also supports third party icon pack.

iOS Launcher - iPhone Themes APK untuk Android

Download Gratis Tema Iphone Untuk Android. iOS Launcher - iPhone Themes APK untuk Android

Kami telah memindai file dan URL terkait dengan program perangkat lunak ini menggunakan lebih dari 50 layanan antivirus unggulan di dunia; tidak terdeteksi adanya ancaman. Sangat besar kemungkinan program perangkat lunak ini bersih. Program perangkat lunak ini berpotensi bahaya atau mungkin berisi perangkat lunak dalam bundel yang tidak diinginkan. Mengapa program perangkat lunak tersebut masih tersedia?

Berdasarkan sistem pemindaian kami, kami menetapkan bahwa tanda-tanda ini mungkin positif asli. Apa itu positif palsu? Artinya algoritme atau penandaan deteksi dalam program antivirus terlalu luas, dan oleh karena itu program yang tidak berbahaya disalahartikan sebagai berbahaya.

Apps on Google Play

Download Gratis Tema Iphone Untuk Android. Apps on Google Play

Unlock aesthetic possibilities with the iOS Launcher and Themes app! Imagine having the iconic iOS themes, home screen, and app drawer on your Android device.

The customizable notification panel and quick settings will enable you to tailor your device's appearance to your preferences while maintaining the essence of a modern phone. And if that's not enough, the iOS Launcher and Themes app boasts an impressive collection of free, latest, original, and HD wallpapers and icons. Now, you can cycle through many stunning visuals that perfectly complement your newly transformed Android to iOS Launcher, ensuring your experience is consistently captivating and refreshing. Take advantage of this chance to redefine your Android device's aesthetics and functionality.

Download the iOS Launcher and Themes app now and immerse yourself in an iOS 16 looking device realm where the elegance of a modern phone meets the convenience of Android, creating an experience that's uniquely yours yet strikingly familiar. All company, product and service names used in this app are for identification purposes only.

We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with any 3rd party apps or companies. This app requires Accessibility Services to perform the opening of the recently running apps dialog, the Back function in the X Home Bar, and the Assistive Touch.

Mau Ponsel Android-mu Mirip iPhone? Silakan Pilih Instal 5 Aplikasi Tema iOS Ini!

Download Gratis Tema Iphone Untuk Android. Mau Ponsel Android-mu Mirip iPhone? Silakan Pilih Instal 5 Aplikasi Tema iOS Ini!

Jangan khawatir, karena kami punya rekomendasi 5 aplikasi tema iPhone terbaik yang bisa kamu coba di ponsel Android-mu! Apex Launcher juga memberikan sentuhan khusus pada kinerja ponsel dengan fitur pembersihan sampah, penghemat baterai, dan pengunci aplikasi. Mulai dari ikon, wallpaper, font, hingga suara, semuanya bisa diubah agar mirip dengan iPhone asli. Fitur-fitur menarik seperti wallpaper hidup, efek cuaca, dan kontrol pusat 3D akan membuat pengalaman menggunakan ponsel semakin menyenangkan. Bagi kamu yang tidak ingin terlalu banyak perubahan pada ponsel, aplikasi ini menyajikan fungsi dasar dan tampilan iOS 10.

‎The New York Times

Download Gratis Tema Iphone Untuk Android. ‎The New York Times

The New York Times app provides in-depth, independent, original reporting. Our breadth of coverage reaches well beyond news and politics, and it’s a deep resource for topics that touch our readers’ daily lives, including opinion, arts and culture, business, tech, wellness and much more. Read, watch and listen to original reporting by 1,700 journalists in over 160 countries.

From breaking news and live updates to investigations and cultural commentary, The New York Times app helps you understand the events shaping the world. Wordle, Sudoku and The Mini are free to enjoy, while subscribers have unlimited access to Spelling Bee, an archive of more than 10,000 crossword puzzles and more.

For You is where we recommend news articles, magazine features, games and special collections with your reading habits in mind. Share up to 10 gift articles a month, even with nonsubscribers, in the app or online.

And sign up for subscriber-only newsletters that go deep on everything from food, culture and climate change to parenting, health and politics. Add The New York Times widget to your home screen and keep the latest headlines close by.

Top stories will automatically refresh, helping you stay in the know throughout your day.

Moodle in English: Push-Notifications on iOS

Download Gratis Tema Iphone Untuk Android. Moodle in English: Push-Notifications on iOS

Hi,. we have two Moodle Systems running Version 2.7.7+, on two different Servers. The 'Moodle Mobile additional features'-PlugIn (2.7.13) is installed and activated on both Systems. Both Systems are registered Moodle-Sites and we have installed the Airnotifier Access-Keys on both Systems via the Request-Button. The problem is that no one gets a push notification. We can connect to our Moodle-Sites via the official 'Moodle Mobile'-App and everything works like a charm, excepting the Push-Notifications.

The User can see the registered mobile device in his profile and the settings for mobile notifcations on new messages in the profile is activated. After sending a message between two users via the Moodle Messaging-System, we can see some traffic between our Moodle-Server and ( Port 443). Notifications for the Moodle Mobile App on the iOS-Device is allowed.

‎Newsweek International

Download Gratis Tema Iphone Untuk Android. ‎Newsweek International

Newsweek Europe Magazine renowned combination of news, culture and thought-provoking ideas is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Articles provide the type of in-depth analysis missing in 24 hour news coverage. A subscription will start from the latest regular issue at the time of purchase. -The subscription will renew automatically unless cancelled more than 24 hours before the end of the current period.

This will protect their issues in the case of a lost device and allow browsing of purchases on multiple platforms. Existing pocketmags users can retrieve their purchases by logging into their account. We recommend loading the app for the first time in a wi-fi area so that all issue data is retrieved. Pengembang, Newsweek Publishing LLC, menunjukkan bahwa praktik privasi app dapat menyertakan penanganan data sebagaimana yang dijelaskan di bawah.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat kebijakan privasi pengembang. Data yang Ditautkan ke Anda Data berikut ini mungkin akan dikumpulkan dan ditautkan ke identitas Anda: Pembelian.

Artikel Android Hari Ini - Artikel Terbaru Terkini

Download Gratis Tema Iphone Untuk Android. Artikel Android Hari Ini - Artikel Terbaru Terkini

Samsung Galaxy Ring, cincin pintar pertama dari Samsung, resmi diumumkan. Namun, kabar mengejutkan datang bagi pengguna iPhone, karena cincin pintar ini tidak akan kompatibel dengan iOS.