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Dr. Zulfikar Alimuddin on LinkedIn: #transformasi #thenewyouinstitute #thenewyou #bukuthenewyou
That was a solid meeting! Our first Business Owner peer group at EGN Indonesia (Executives' Global Network) discussed Leadership Development last night.
Heroes of the day, taking the lead as Topic Expert in the sharing session: David Knowles with Dr. Zulfikar Alimuddin and Muliadi Jeo contributing by being on the members panel, and Anuj Malik as facilitator on the day of course. Very insightful; time very well spent!
I loved the insight that whatever you put in place for Leadership development, it still comes down to spending time with your leadership and guiding them on a day to day basis. A big Thank You to all that participated! #leadershipdevelopment #hrinsights #peergroup #makingeachotherbetter #networkingevent.
Pro-Int Dinamika
Pro-Int is a leading provider of Human Resources Information System (HRIS) solution, both on premise and as a cloud-based service. In addition, Pro-Int is trusted provider of payroll outsourching services, Procure to Pay (P2P), and ERP in Indonesia. We focus on developing innovations and providing customer-oriented solutions to help companies of all size and industries.
With users in mind, we focus on building end-to-end business solutions that apply best practices to daily operations, automate workflows and create simplicity in this complex, challenging environment. We offer a choice of flexible, integrated and personalized solutions that give enduring benefits to businesses. We differentiate ourselves from the competition through our continuous commitment to strive for excellence in everything we do, making Pro-Int the most trusted name in business process and human resources software in Indonesia. Today, we are helping local and multinational companies of multiple verticals, including banking, manufacturing, retail, insurance, finance, pharmaceutical, hotel, foods & beverages, and more.
Our years of experience and comprehensive understanding in this field have made us proficient enough to handle a wide range of customer’s unique requirements. Nevertheless, the urge to empower our esteemed clients in facing future challenges compels us to continuously learning and developing better solutions on the next generation technologies. Website External link for Pro-Int Dinamika Industry Business Consulting and Services Company size 51-200 employees Headquarters Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Type Privately Held Founded 1996.
Ang Harry Tjahjono on LinkedIn: #aht
Kerja di bagian sales itu tidak mudah. Butuh mental kuat. Strong pressure oleh internal perusahaan (all the time).
External / customer juga kasih pressure dalam price / omelan / rejection, dll. Harus punya management waktu yang baik.
Smart dalam kualifikasi customer, jika pembayaran macet, biasanya sales yang disalahkan dan diminta "nagih". Harus punya strong integrity karena banyak yang gak tahan iman akhirnya tergoda fraud. Ready almost 24 hours , jika ada problem / komplain (juga act as customer services).
Jadi jangan pandang profesi sales sebagai profesi yang "low". Modal tampang + IPK + Lulusan Good University gak cukup.
Dr. Zulfikar Alimuddin on LinkedIn: Di tengah kompleksitas masalah pendidikan di negeri ini, kami memilih…
Our first Business Owner peer group at EGN Indonesia (Executives' Global Network) discussed Leadership Development last night. Heroes of the day, taking the lead as Topic Expert in the sharing session: David Knowles with Dr. Zulfikar Alimuddin and Muliadi Jeo contributing by being on the members panel, and Anuj Malik as facilitator on the day of course. Very insightful; time very well spent! I loved the insight that whatever you put in place for Leadership development, it still comes down to spending time with your leadership and guiding them on a day to day basis.
#leadershipdevelopment #hrinsights #peergroup #makingeachotherbetter #networkingevent.