1000 Free Followers On Instagram

  • Diterbitkan : 01 Nov 2023

1000 Free Followers On Instagram. Soni Sinungan is an Indonesian born musician in Jakarta December 28, 1988. Since childhood in 1997 Soni started playing drum. In 2005 Soni had an indie band with the Emo genre called, The Old Curse of Death (TOCOD) in 2005 - 2011 and released one album in 2008. After 2011 decided to start new journey of music, Soni wanted to play his own songs with the Pop/Rock genre with the theme of love. So formed a band called ORO (2011 - 2015), and Fayola (2016-2017). In 2017, Soni decided to take a short break after the tour with Fayola.

Until 2020 when the pandemic, Soni decided to become a solo singer and released his first single across digital music platforms. As of 2023, Soni has released 6 (six) singles across all digital music platforms.

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