Google Translate Online Pdf

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The English Students’ Perception in Using Google Translate and U – Dictionary at Translation Class

R. Abdulaziz Al Saleh, “An Application of Newmark’s Procedures to Muhammad Abul Quasem’s English Translation of Mohammad Al-Ghazali’s Islamic Guidance,” Arab World English J., no. F. Almutawa and S. Izwaini, “Machine Translation in the Arab World : Saudi Arabia as a Case Study,” trans-kom.

A. Mustika, M. Rahman, and J. Mesalina, “Students’ Perception on the Use of Online Dictionary,” UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin, 2021. S. Sujarwo, “Students’ Perceptions of Using Machine Translation Tools In the EFL Classroom,” Al-Lisan, vol. Miles, A. M. Huberman, and J. Saldana, Qualitative Data Analysis A Methods Sourcebook.

J. Juwita, A. Riadi, and M. Handayani, “The Students’ Perception Of Using U-Dictionary In Learning Pronunciation At Stba Pontianak,” J. Ilm.

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Students’ Perception on the Use of U Dictionary Application and Google Translate as Media to Translate English to Indonesian (a Descriptive Study of The Second Semester Students of English Education D

Google Translate Online Pdf. Students’ Perception on the Use of U Dictionary Application and Google Translate as Media to Translate English to Indonesian (a Descriptive Study of The Second Semester Students of English Education D

RESTU, OKITA KUMALA (2023) Students’ Perception on the Use of U Dictionary Application and Google Translate as Media to Translate English to Indonesian (a Descriptive Study of The Second Semester Students of English Education Department of UIN Salatiga). Restu, Okita K. (2023).“Students’ Perception on the Use of U Dictionary Application and Google Translate as Media to Translate English to Indonesian (a Descriptive Study of The Second Semester Students of English Education Department of UIN Salatiga)” Counselor: Norwanto, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.

This research is also to find out student evaluation based on the results of the translation of the two applications and see the comparison. Participants consisted of 26 second semester students of english education department from State Islamic University (UIN) Salatiga in the academic year of 2022/2023.

Based on student perceptions, the U-Dictionary and Google Translate applications have their own distinct advantages and disadvantages. Item Type: Thesis (Other) Subjects: Bahasa Depositing User: Unnamed user with email [email protected] Date Deposited: 07 Nov 2023 19:06 Last Modified: 07 Nov 2023 19:06 URI:



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