Google Translate Indonesia Lampung
Google Translate Indonesia Lampung. Dapat berisi bahasa sensitif. Dapat berisi bahasa yang tidak akurat.
Dapat berisi bahasa sensitif dan tidak akurat.
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Show review history January 20, 2024 It's an amazing app that has helped me tremendously, but there's one visual issue that bugs me to no end. Does anyone know if there is a way to fix this without being forced to use light mode and burning my corneas?
Show review history January 21, 2024 Bug fixes and improvements. I guess if you analyze the app everyday on the level the devs do, you see it differently. I miss the days when you could copy some text in another language, and the translate bubble would pop up. We'd like our users to have the best possible experience with the Google Translate app. Show review history January 15, 2024 App is pretty decent, but I can't get rid of that dumb and annoying "translated text" window that asks for feedback that never goes away. You slide it down to close, it opens right back up; such a dumb design.
That window is gigantic and it takes up nearly half of my phone screen in landscape mode. Could you please describe the issue you're experiencing in the Google Translate Help Community so we can investigate further:
Google translate lampung indon in English with examples
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Diploma thesis, UIN RADEN INTAN LAMPUNG. Many international journals required authors to translate articles into English, mostly abstracts. This research was descriptive qualitative research that investigated the level of accuracy of Google Translate in English�Indonesian translation. The instrument in this research was the accuracy assessment by Nababan.
The validity in this research was analyzed as valid by a translation expert under Ridho Kholid, M.Pd After analyzing the data, the results showed that There are 5 abstracts separated into 27 sentences. This means that because the results of the analysis showed that the accuracy of the google translate translation was in the accurate category, it became concluded that google translate was suitable to used as a translation tool for the student to understand the text as a whole so that it was became a solution in understanding text in a foreign language, such as English.
Keywords: Accuracy level, Google translate, Translation Item Type: Thesis (Diploma) Subjects: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Depositing User: LAYANAN PERPUSTAKAAN UINRIL REFERENSI Date Deposited: 21 Jun 2023 03:26 Last Modified: 21 Jun 2023 03:26 URI: Actions (login required) View Item.
Performance of Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and DeepL Translator: Error Analysis of Translation Result

Analisis Kebahasaan Hasil Terjemahan Abstrak Berbahasa Inggris Ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan Google Translate. Prosiding Seminar Nasional STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung, 1(1), Article 1.
“Grammarly” as a Teachers’ Alternative in Evaluating Non-EFL Students Writings. Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching, 5(1), Article 1.
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching, 5(2), Article 2. Translation-mediated Communication in a Digital World: Facing the Challenges of Globalization and Localization.
Transformers for Natural Language Processing: Build, train, and fine-tune deep neural network architectures for NLP with Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow, BERT, and GPT-3. JETAL: Journal of English Teaching & Applied Linguistic, 3(2), Article 2.
Google Translate in Tarjamah Learning at Arabic Language Education UIN Walisongo Semarang
& Alhaysony, M. An Investigation of Saudi EFL University Students’ Attitudes towards the Use of Google Translate. International Journal of English Language Education, 5 (1), 72-82.
Contemporary Approaches to Translation in the Classroom: A Study of Students’ Attitudes and Strategies. Machine translation-assisted language learning: writing for beginners.
& Deifell, E. Foreign Language Learners’ Use and Perception of Online Dictionaries: A Survey Study. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 9(4), 515-533.
A Review of Research into Google Apps in the Process of English Language Learning and Teaching. Wawancara dengan Rosidi, M.SI, Dosen Tarjamah UIN Walisongo Semarang, pada 05 Maret 2019. Wawancara dengan Fina Sa’adah, M. Ag, Dosen Tarjamah UIN Walisongo Semarang, pada 03 Maret 2019.