Facebook Fast Delete Messages Extension
Facebook Fast Delete Messages Extension. Non-pedagang. Developer ini tidak mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang.
Bagi konsumen di Uni Eropa, perlu diperhatikan bahwa hak konsumen tidak berlaku untuk kontrak antara Anda dan developer ini.
Cara Menghapus Semua Pesan di FB Messenger, Cek di Sini!
Facebook atau FB memiliki bebagai fitur yang dapat dimanfaatkan penggunanya dalam memudahkan berkomunikasi antar pengguna ataupun hanya sebagai hiburan semata. Nantinya akan diminta untuk memilih pesan mana saja yang ingin kamu hapus atau tetap berada di sana. Jangan lupa pastikan kalau kamu sudah menggunakan browser Google Chrome dan install ekstensi atau pengaya yang bernama Facebook Fast Delete Message. Langkah selanjutnya adalah kamu mencentang semua pesan yang ingin dihapus, dan klik delete selected message di tengah atas. Tinggal buka aplikasi atau kunjungi website Rukita, perusahaan proptech penyedia hunian sewa jangka panjang tepercaya dan antiribet.
Ragam Cara Menghapus Semua Pesan di Facebook
Selain beranda (wall), kotak surat juga jadi salah satu yang diperhatikan pengguna Facebook. Cara ini efektif jika ada pesan atau riwayat chatting yang ingin Anda simpan.
Namun, yang menjadi masalah adalah Facebook tidak menyediakan opsi menghapus semua pesan dalam kotak surat. - Klik ikon berlogo petir di pojok kanan atas atau kotak pesan Anda.
Jika ingin menghapus lampiran gambar, video atau dokumen, Anda cukup klik ikon tiga titik vertikal, lalu pilih opsi 'Hapus'. Pasalnya, pesan yang terhapus tak akan bisa dipulihkan, terlebih jika terdapat dokumen penting di dalamnya.
Chrome Web Store
Anjrah Ari Susanto 17 Nov 2023. saya pakai fitur friend removernya, berfungsi sangat baik. saya jalankan bertahap hapus 25 dulu apa 100. sampai terhapus lebih dari 1000 teman fb.
makasih ya, gratisan tapi ampuh.
Cleaner for Google Chrome™
Your web browser and system keep tracks of your Computer and Internet activity. Websites and apps may gather cookies or otherwise collect sensitive personal data about you. This is one of the first cybersecurity measures that sounds very simple and maybe even trite - "Less browsing data, less problems!".
Usually, when you run any other cleaning applications, an error message will prompt you to close Chrome to complete the deletion. With the Click&Clean app you don't need to close your browser, because it uses built-in Chrome capabilities together with an advanced smart-cleaning techniques.
The cleaner app allows you to perform safer and more deep cleaning without disturbing your work and does all that with one click! Click&Clean web browser extension for Chrome has a very powerful set of features and yet easy-to-use! It's designed for everyone, with all levels of users in mind, from housewives to experienced professionals.
You can download and install Click&Clean from Chrome Web Store or right on this page - It's Free, Fast and Secure! Google Chrome™ 115+ UI language: Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français,.
Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload for WooCommerce
“Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload for WooCommerce” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini. Kontributor.
Ekstensi Skype™ Messenger
★ Support audio and video calls, web based. ★ Perfect for sporadic use of Skype.
✔ Configurations in a Options section. ✔ See your friends news and edit your profile. ✔ All done over Skype™ platform for maximum security, no need to share credentials to third party applications. ✔ Also available as a Android App for Smarthphone/Tablet devices.
Skype™ is a trademark of Skype Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. This is an independent project developed by Oinkanstuff and has no relationship to Skype™ or Skype Inc. By installing this product you agree to our privacy policy & terms of service: http://www.oinkandstuff.com/privacy-policy/.
The Evolution of Facebook’s Beacon
Facebook introduced a new version of the Beacon alert box on Thursday that still lacks an easy way to avoid participating. Again, the most prominent option is “Okay,” followed up by “Always.” But in this one, people can click the “x” right there to block the information, and Facebook tells them that the “x” means Remove. More importantly, Facebook executives tell reporters that users who ignore the alert boxes will no longer be considered to have said “yes,” even after two days. If users ignore the alert box, Facebook says it will not post the news of their purchases to their friends. Users will still be hassled by the alert boxes from Facebook on its partner sites, but ideally they can ignore them now and not worry about their purchases being shared. Facebook executives say they do not want to add a universal opt-out button because then users would not be able to try out Beacon on different sites to see what it can offer.