Usb Driver Asus Zenfone 5 T00f
Usb Driver Asus Zenfone 5 T00f. Recompense a sua curiosidade. Tudo o que você quer ler.
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How to unbrick Asus Zenfone 5 stuck on Intel Logo

Yeah a boot loop never ending stuck on Intel logo for their Zenfone 5 (and/or maybe ZF 4 and 6). Extract the firmware and look for these 5 files, you can copy them to another folder for easier access: sec-dnx_fwr.bin sec-ifwi-prod.bin sec-dnx_osr.bin droidboot.img.POS_sign.bin soft_fuse.bin.
Open xFSTK Downloader application, and click on the CLVP A0/B0/B1 Tab. If the device starting up and stuck on Intel logo, then turn it off again by pressing Power button for approx.
5 seconds until the screen is off, then try again pressing Power + Volume Down button until the Device Status on xFSTK application shows CLOVERVIEWPLUS TARGETS DETECTED: 1. Once finish, you can access fastboot again on your device by pressing Power + Volume Up button. Type fastboot flash recovery then press Enter ( is the recover image file).
Install Oppo A37
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Cara Flashing Asus Zenfone 5 T00F/T00J (A500CG) Bootloop Lupapola Matot

Quote:. Tips: Jika ponsel masih bisa menyala, sebaiknya lakukan backup data terlebih dahulu karena proses flashing ini akan menghapus semua data-data penting.
Quote:. Perhatian! Di bawah ini dalah langkah penting yang harus dilakukan dengan benar.
Flashing Zenfone 5 t00f/t00j via asus flashtool with file raw
WW_A500CG_ _20150630 4.matikan hh...tekan power + vol up untuk masuk droidbootcolok hh ke asus flashtoolpastikan serial number hh anda terdeteksi (kalau g detek ,coba ulangi colok hh anda ke pc)pada model pilih A500cg (sesuai hh anda)wipe data..pilih yes atau no..terserah agan tapi saya sarankan wipe data yes aja biar bersihklik logo unduhan(tanda panah kebawah) arahkan ke file raw yang agan udah downloadklik serial number hh aganklik start5.tunggu sampai operasi sukses dan hh reboot6.doneKerusakan ditanggung Sendiri.
Cara Flashing Samsung Galaxy V SM-G313HZ Via Odin
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